Random Acts of Devastation

December 28, 2008 at 7:38 pm 11 comments

I have PMS which means everything is magnified for me. ANd almost nothing is funny. It makes for about 12 really bad weeks a year.

It is my opinion that nothing bad should happen in the week of christmas. And if it does, I really dont want to hear about it. And if i do hear about it I really hope it has nothing to do with a child. My hope was not fulfilled this year.

People I do not know lost their only child the day after christmas. I dont know all the details, it was a second hand story. I got the news when I was shopping with my children (they had christmas money burning in their pockets)

The call came from Sissy who was audibly upset. And in one short minute everything in time stood still as I head with horror, the worst possible news on the worst possible day that someone had to relay, and my cart stopped and I felt, more than anything the sorrow fill my eyes. I must have walked by 30 peopl with my cart, tears streaming down my face and it strikes me funny now that no one stopped to see if I was alright.

Anyhow. my kids asked. and I told them. and then i had to scream at a target employee because my emotions were displaced. And then we left. And I remained in shock for people I did not know. But the problem is, I have known shitty news first hand. And I am sure I will again. And I really want it to stop. I want people to pass when they are old and tired. I want children to be safe. I want to stop worrying as a parent every time I see a news report. I never ever ever want to be the parent that has to bury their child for whatever reason. It would ruin me.

So usually you hear of random acts of kindness this time of year. I would like to hear more of that. I have been the beneficiary of some of theose kind acts. I try to pay if forward when i can.

When I hear of the horror and tragedy of life it makes me weary beyond my years. I want this to be a joyful new year. I had a fantastic holiday, but in my mind I will only see the parents that have to pack up christmas toys that a baby never got to play with.

I cant really say much more on this because I will just start crying again. I have my pee pee exam tomorrow and if my luck stays as it it I am certian it will result in a hilarious post.

xxoo spank

Entry filed under: Uncategorized.

The List Good Pee Pee Gone Bad

11 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Sissy  |  December 28, 2008 at 8:30 pm

    Thank you, Spank. Thank you for taking that call in Target. Thank you for the hours you spent with me on the phone. Thank you for your numerous “check-ins” to see how Karen and Mike were doing, even though you have never met them. It is a true mark of genuine human nature, apparently not a requirement when applying for a job at Target.

    Good luck with your pee pee exam.

  • 2. MamaPeg is Watching You  |  December 28, 2008 at 8:40 pm

    Spank, I agree with you – no parent should have to bury a child. I’ve known some folks who have had to. It is not a coincidence that in my daily prayers I ask God to bless my entire family, guide, guard and protect them as if they were in the palm of God’s hand. I never want to experience anything like what Karen and Mike are feeling.
    I’ll say a prayer fpr your pee pee exam too. God bless Spank’s pee pee. There.

  • 3. Matt Lesoine  |  December 28, 2008 at 10:10 pm

    Am I the only one who reads “pee pee exam” as though it’s the urine itself rather than the body that’s being examined???

  • 4. SPANK  |  December 28, 2008 at 11:49 pm

    Peg, thanks for blessing my pee pee

    Matt…I could not bring myself to say “beaver” in that particular post.

    Beaver exams rank right up there for me in the devastation catagory. I die a little bit every time i have that car jack rammed in me.

    And while things like this bring out the best and worst in people (target employee) I find that as a whole we look at who surrounds us, who is left standing at the end of the day and hold on to them for dear life.

    The people that own strings to our hearts are not ours to have and hold, we are all on borrowed time, it is what we do in that time what matters.

  • 5. capricorn1966  |  December 29, 2008 at 2:57 pm

    Danielle had a pee pee exam today, too. Then she went to work with Sissy.

  • 6. MamaPeg is Watching You  |  December 29, 2008 at 8:32 pm

    And while things like this bring out the best and worst in people (target employee) I find that as a whole we look at who surrounds us, who is left standing at the end of the day and hold on to them for dear life.
    The people that own strings to our hearts are not ours to have and hold, we are all on borrowed time, it is what we do in that time what matters.

    Spank – you could not have written truer or wiser words.

  • 7. SPANK  |  December 29, 2008 at 8:50 pm

    Cappy…I suspect that pee pee exam + gym work out wear will = a yeasty flare up for danielle. I had to come home immediatly and do an extensive scrub down. the second scrub down for the day.

    And of course in my case the exam did not go without incident…i will relay the horror in a future transcript.

    Peg…Im glad you liked the words. I try to live by them and mostly I fail because I loose sight and I take so much for granted. But i keep trying. I hope someone upstairs notices all my worrying and mental “doo-gooding”

    I should probably do a list (because that is my thing) to list the horrors that no one should face, but the prospect is too grim. And we all know what they are…and none of us ever wants to know them first hand.

    on that note…I shall work on the pee pee story tomorrow. nothing like a good vaginal humiliation to freshen up a tuesday.

  • 8. Matt Lesoine  |  December 31, 2008 at 4:17 pm

    You know, now that you wrote “vaginal humiliation” on this blog you’re going to have a lot more google generated traffic. Could be good, could be bad; just sayin.

  • 9. Sissy  |  January 1, 2009 at 2:20 am

    “Danielle had a pee pee exam today, too. Then she went to work with Sissy.”

    I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.

  • 10. Sissy  |  January 1, 2009 at 2:22 am

    Spank – don’t forget my ingenious pee pee exam table straddle manuver in your vaginal humiliation story.

  • 11. SPANK  |  January 1, 2009 at 8:04 pm

    You dont want to ruin it by giving anything away, i am still laughing about that.

    wait…why did danielle pee pee exam make you wanna throw up…

    and mat…traffic or no traffic…its all good. i love vaginal humiliation


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